December 15, 2012

Sun & Moon Goddess

Continuation of the previous post.

Grade 0:
1x Godhawk, Ichibyoshi (Starting Vanguard)
4x Psychic Bird (Critical Trigger)
2x Battle Sister, Ginger (Critical Trigger)
2x Oracle Guardian, Nike (Critical Trigger)
1x Battle Sister, Tiramisu (Draw Trigger)
1x Dream Eater (Draw Trigger)
1x Miracle Kid (Draw Trigger)
1x Victory Maker (Draw Trigger)
2x Lozenge Magus (Heal Trigger)
1x Sphere Magus (Heal Trigger)
1x Battle Sister, Chai (Heal Trigger)

Grade 1:
4x Oracle Guardian, Gemini
4x Battle Sister, Chocolat
4x Goddess of the Crescent Moon, Tsukuyomi
1x Weather Girl, Milk
2x White Hare of Inaba

Grade 2:
4x Goddess of the Half Moon, Tsukuyomi
4x War God, Susanoo
3x Battle Maiden, Tagitsuhime

Grade 3:
1x Goddess of the Full Moon, Tsukuyomi
3x CEO Amaterasu
3x Goddess of the Sun, Amaterasu

The deck main idea, as proposed by some of my friends (especially kazuya666), is to fill up the empty space in Tsukuyomi deck after the newest Fighters Rule take place. Therefore, most of the deck component as well as the Trigger lineup (originally meant for stacking purpose, lol) is carried over from standard Tsukuyomi deck.

The main difference here of course is the grade 1 lineup. Battle Maiden, Sayorihime is omitted here since the space already reserved for Crescent Moon. The space problem is also the reason why there's only one Milk here (will be explained later). As for the grade 2, Susanoo is here as 2nd 12k attacker after Tagitsuhime and to replace the now restricted Silent Tom. Also, kazu advised to switch the amount of Susanoo and Tagitsuhime (4 Tagitsuhime and 3 Susanoo) for better card balance since we couldn't have Goddess of the Sun as the vanguard all the time.

Originally, kazu's built are using 3 Milk since the deck doesn't have any search mechanic outside the Limit Break and Tsukuyomi engine. But as I tested the deck, sometimes I forced to ride Goddess of the Sun without having CEO Amaterasu in my soul or Full Moon to Soul-Charge it from hand in case I get it later. Thus, missed out the +2k power bonus. Since the only mean for Soul-Charging here are only Half Moon and Full Moon Tsukuyomi (with the first being somewhat random while the latter is restricted to only one copy), I opted to put some copies of White Rabbit of Inaba as a backup means to Soul-Charge CEO from hand as well as "fooder" for other purpose.

Tsukuyomi's ride mechanic also works like a double-edged sword here. On a side, it gives you huge advantage if you successfully pull out the ride. But on the other side, if all copies of either CEO or Goddess of the Sun were stacked to the bottom of deck then you're kinda screwed. I've contemplating on using Battle Sister, Eclair or Sun Maiden, Uzume to search out the grade 3 (once again, this deck doesn't have any other search mechanic), of course with the consequence of ruining the stack. However, since the space here was already tight from the beginning, the ideas were scrapped. Though it's still possible to try it with the previous deck.

Outside the stability issues, this deck gives you a hard choice when riding to the grade 3: either ride Full Moon and using the 'old' strategies at the expense of losing some 12k attacker, OR ride Goddess of the Sun and get a 13k wall plus more attacker while also losing Tsukuyomi's stack (if you managed to pull out the Limit Break) and some draw power. Not to mention that you also need to adjust your playing style accordingly.

This build might or might not be the best choice for Tsukuyomi player that opted to keep using their deck after the Fighters Rule take place. But with the potential of creating many power lines while having a 13k wall at the same time, it's definitely worth to try.

- Aeris -

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